Ibu Justin Bieber Tidak Puas Hati Dengan Kenyataan Ibu Selena Gomez

Ibu Justin Bieber Membidas Kenyataan Keluarga Selena Gomez

Hubungan Justin Bieber dan Selena Gomez kini sudah mula kelihatan seperti drama petang TV3 selepas mereka membuat keputusan untuk kembali bersama semula sebagai pasangan, tentangan daripada keluarga Gomez menjadi semakin jelas sejak ibu Gomez, Mandy Teefey, tampil menyatakan yang dia tidak gembira dengan hubungan antara Gomez and Bieber.


Namun Teefey menghormati keputusan Gomez: “Selena can live her life however she wants as long as she is happy, safe and healthy.”


Kini ibu Bieber, Pattie Mallette, yang amat menyayangi Gomez pula telah tampil mempertahankan anak lelakinya daripada tohmahan yang ditujukan oleh keluarga Gomez terhadap anaknya itu.


Memilih untuk menyuarakan pendapatnya di Instagram, Mallette berkongsikan sekeping foto bersama Bieber dengan kapsyen: “I’m so proud of the amazing young man you are, and the young man you are becoming. None of us are perfect and never will be, (so we will always need patience and grace for each other), but your genuine growing relationship with Jesus is evident in the choices you are making daily and the good “fruit” you bear. I admire your character and integrity. You are maturing beautifully and wise beyond your years. You are so funny that I find myself laughing out loud when I’m alone, remembering of something you said or did. And your heart is gold. I love you to the moon and back. #lovemom
Ps. Did I mention I was proud of you?

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Adakah kisah Romeo dan Juliet moden ini bakal mendapat pengakhiran bahagia yang mereka inginkan? We will have to wait and see.


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